Individual Session → AI Prompts

Watch the above video to learn how to use the script provided below. ⤴︎

This script helps you define your team’s norms and values in order to address negative behaviors or promote positive ones. We will be generating new norms and values based on very concrete behavior that you want to encourage or discourage. You will loop through the steps below until you have a nice list of Defined Norms & Believed Values you are happy with.


In this section, you’ll complete the one-time setup tasks needed before defining and refining norms. You’ll create (or log into) your ChatGPT account, gather and upload your project files, paste the project instructions, and duplicate the Google Sheet template for CSV outputs. Once this is done, you’ll be ready to loop through the main steps (1–4) for identifying and shaping team norms.

Setup ChatGPT

  1. Create a ChatGPT Account

  • If you haven’t already, go to the OpenAI website and sign up for a free ChatGPT account.

  • Verify your email address and log in.

  1. Add context files

  1. Start a new ChatGPT project.

  2. Download the ZIP file from Google Drive: Project Resources Zip File

  3. Unzip the folder; it contains:

    • Excel sheet (a canvas for capturing Believed Values & Defined Norms)

    • Example_csv_output.csv (an example CSV format)

    • Norms Driven Behavior Method - Video Transcript.txt (course transcript)

  4. Upload these files into your ChatGPT project files area so ChatGPT can reference them.

  1. Add the Project Instructions

Copy and paste the following code block into your ChatGPT custom project instructions so ChatGPT fully understands your goals.

Today you are an expert team-building strategist and we are creating a list of Believed Values and Defined Norms for my team. I want you to remember these lists. I want a Believed Value to be stored in this format (Catchy phrase, Description). I want a Defined Norm to be saved in this format (Catchy phrase, Description).

Each Defined Norm we identify is an expression of an underlying Believed Value, and each Believed Value can have one, two or three Defined Norms that (mostly) comprehensively cover that value. The theory behind this method is that there is a causality between each Believed Value and its corresponding Defined Norm(s), which in turn influence the actual behavior of our team members. The Defined Norms are what we have defined as a company to be the desired behavior of the people in our team. We are filling in a canvas for our company in order to have norms and values defined for us as a company. What is important is the causal chain from Believed Value → Defined Norms → Desired Behavior. A starting point for any manager can be describing actual behavior that they want to prevent (bad behavior) or good behavior that they want to see more of, and define a norm around the positive version of the bad behavior or the already present good behavior.

Included in the project are three files - I want you to consider them carefully when answering questions:
File 1 → Excel sheet of the canvas we are filling in
File 2 → Example_csv_output.csv (for generating and copying CSV outputs)
File 3 → Transcript of the corresponding online course about Norms-Driven Behavior and how to create norms that drive a successful, healthy startup culture where the team is a high-performing team.

When I ask you for an output of a CSV, please do it in the following **structure example** (inline in a **code block**). I need it in this format as a single column to easily paste it into Google Sheets:

Lack of clarity around part-time remote team member availability, causing inefficiencies and delays.
The remote team member's unavailability or unclear work hours leads to delays in workflows and difficulty planning collaborative tasks.
Visible Schedule, Visible You
Remote team members working part-time will maintain an up-to-date availability schedule at the beginning of each workweek. This schedule must be accessible to all team members via a shared calendar or tool (e.g., Google Calendar, Slack, or Notion).
Day Kickoff Check-In
Remote team members will provide a daily update at the start of their workday, outlining tasks they will focus on and times they’ll be available for collaboration or meetings.
Backup Continuity Rule
In situations where the remote team member’s schedule changes or they are unavailable during a critical period, they must notify the team in advance and provide an alternative point of contact for critical tasks or ensure thorough documentation for team members to proceed independently.
Clarity Breeds Collaboration
We believe that clear communication about availability and work progress enhances trust, collaboration, and overall team effectiveness, particularly in remote and part-time work scenarios.

Remember to generate the CSV exactly like this, with **each field on a new line**

  1. Provide Project & Company Context

Below is a prompt to give ChatGPT your company details. Replace the placeholders with your own information before sending:

My company is in [industry], and we provide [services]
to [typical customers]. Our team is [team size], 
and our roles include [job titles or roles]

(For example: “My company is in software development, we provide SaaS solutions to SMBs, our team is 12 members including developers, designers, and account managers.”)

5. Access the Google Sheet

Use this Google Sheet to duplicate for your own organization and paste the CSV outputs you generate:

Google Sheet Template:

  1. Open the link.

  2. Go to “File” → “Make a copy…” to create your own copy in Google Drive.

  3. When ChatGPT generates a CSV (in single-column code block format), copy that CSV output from ChatGPT and paste it directly into your new Google Sheet in a single column.

  4. I like to (temporarily) create a bookmark so that I can easily find / access the Google Sheet - you might want to do the same or something similar.

Main Workflow

Below are prompts for two paths: addressing negative behavior or promoting positive behavior.
(Remember, once the CSV is generated and output by ChatGPT, simply copy it in its entirety and paste it into your Google Sheet or Excel file.)

Path 1: Addressing Negative Behavior

Step 1 → Identify the Problem

Why this step matters

This is the foundation of your norms-building process. By describing the negative behavior and its negative consequence, you give ChatGPT enough context to propose norms that target real-world issues your team is facing. Think of this step as laying out the problem clearly, so the norms you create will genuinely address your team’s pain points.

How to Use
  1. Start by describing the specific behavior that’s causing problems within your team (e.g., tardiness, lack of communication, missed deadlines).

  2. Mention the direct negative outcome of that behavior (e.g., scheduling conflicts, project delays, team frustration).

  3. Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of 5 potential norms aimed at addressing the problem.

Prompt 1:
In my team, I have observed [negative behavior]
leading to [negative consequence]

For example your prompt could be:

Example Output

(What ChatGPT might respond with – for illustration only. Your actual output may differ depending on your exact details.)

1. “Respect the Clock”
Description: Everyone is expected to join meetings on time and stay engaged for the duration. This ensures we respect each other’s time and schedules.

2. “Daily Readiness Check”
Description: Each morning, participants will confirm their availability and readiness for scheduled meetings through a quick Slack or email check-in.

3. “Agenda & Scheduling Courtesy”
Description: Meeting organizers will share agendas at least one day in advance and invitees will confirm attendance or propose alternate times if conflicts exist.

4. “5-Minute Grace Rule”
Description: If someone’s running late or dealing with an urgent matter, they notify the meeting host. After five minutes, the meeting proceeds or is rescheduled if key stakeholders are absent.

5. “Late Accountability Follow-Up”
Description: When repeated tardiness occurs, the person arrives 5 minutes early to the next meeting and addresses the team to reaffirm their commitment to timeliness.

  • Clearly defining the negative behavior and negative consequence sets the stage for ChatGPT to propose focused norms.

  • The norms suggested should be reviewed and refined in Step 2.

  • Each norm should directly address the identified problem, be actionable, and align with your team’s culture or Believed Values.

Step 2 → Confirm & Refine Norms

Why this step matters

After ChatGPT suggests norms, it’s critical to determine which ones truly resonate with your team. You’ll select the best norms and refine them to fit your company culture, language, and day-to-day context.

How to Use
  1. Review the 5 suggested norms from Step 1.

  2. Choose which norms feel most appropriate or impactful for your scenario (e.g., pick 2–3 norms).

  3. Ask ChatGPT to refine the language, tone, or specifics of those norms so they’re more precise and aligned with your team’s reality.

Example Prompt

Example Output
  1. “Respect the Clock” → “Time is a Team Asset”
    Refined Description: Every team member commits to punctuality.
    By starting and ending meetings on schedule, we respect each other’s workflows and avoid overlap with other commitments.

  2. “Agenda & Scheduling Courtesy” → “Plan, Confirm, Collaborate”
    Refined Description: All meeting organizers send agendas 24 hours in advance.
    Participants confirm attendance and coordinate any conflicts at least two hours before the meeting.

  3. “Late Accountability Follow-Up” → “Own Your Lateness”
    Refined Description: Chronic lateness triggers a quick post-meeting reflection.
    The late individual identifies root causes (e.g., scheduling overlap, unclear calendar) and suggests solutions to prevent recurrence.

  • Confirm which norms are most relevant.

  • Refine or reword the norms so they reflect your culture.

  • Keep them succinct, actionable, and team-friendly.

Step 3 → Define the Believed Value

Why this step matters

Each set of norms typically shares a common underlying principle or “Believed Value.” Identifying this value makes the norms cohesive and helps the team see the bigger “why” behind them.

How to Use
  1. Look at the refined norms from Step 2.

  2. Ask ChatGPT to find the Believed Value uniting these norms—like accountability, transparency, respect, or innovation.

  3. Review or tweak that value so it resonates with your team’s identity.

Example Prompt
Example Output

Underlying Believed Value: “Collective Respect and Efficiency”

Description: We believe that respecting each other’s time creates an environment of trust, accountability, and focus.

By upholding clear schedules and communication, our team can collaborate more effectively and reduce friction caused by scheduling uncertainties.

  • The Believed Value ties norms together into a coherent cultural principle.

  • Having a catchy phrase and a concise description fosters team-wide understanding.

Step 4 → Generate Output CSV

Why this step matters

This step transforms your final norms and values into a shareable artifact. Having a single-column CSV makes it easy to copy and paste the information into a Google Sheet, Excel, or any other documentation tool. It also provides a consistent format for revisiting and refining norms over time.

How to Use
  1. Confirm that the norms from Steps 2 and 3 (including the Believed Value) are correct and well-refined.

  2. Ask ChatGPT to produce the final output in a single-column CSV format—exactly as specified in your instructions or the example CSV file.

  3. Copy and paste the output from ChatGPT directly into your Google Sheet or Excel file.

Example Prompt

Example Output

Inconsistent meeting attendance and late arrivals


Team members arriving late cause disruptions, delayed agendas, and reduced productivity for everyone.

Time is a Team Asset

All participants commit to arriving on time or giving notice if they’ll be late, respecting everyone's schedule.

Plan, Confirm, Collaborate

Meeting organizers share agendas 24 hours in advance. Attendees confirm or propose changes to ensure mutual availability.

Own Your Lateness

Chronic lateness prompts a review of scheduling or personal workflow issues, with the late individual proposing solutions to improve punctuality.

Collective Respect and Efficiency

We believe that by respecting each other’s time and planning collaboratively, our team fosters trust, reduces frustration, and maintains high productivity.

(Note: The first lines often describe the identified negative behavior and its consequence, followed by each defined norm, and ending with the underlying Believed Value. Adapt this order to your preferences.)

  • Step 4 is your final point in the loop—where you produce a structured, shareable CSV.

  • Make sure every norm you want is included and the Believed Value is clearly stated.

  • Once generated, paste the CSV output into your Google Sheet or Excel file, ensuring it fits your desired format.

  • You can revisit this step any time you add or change norms.

Watch the above video to learn how to use the script provided below. ⤴︎

This script helps you define your team’s norms and values in order to address negative behaviors or promote positive ones. We will be generating new norms and values based on very concrete behavior that you want to encourage or discourage. You will loop through the steps below until you have a nice list of Defined Norms & Believed Values you are happy with.


In this section, you’ll complete the one-time setup tasks needed before defining and refining norms. You’ll create (or log into) your ChatGPT account, gather and upload your project files, paste the project instructions, and duplicate the Google Sheet template for CSV outputs. Once this is done, you’ll be ready to loop through the main steps (1–4) for identifying and shaping team norms.

Setup ChatGPT

  1. Create a ChatGPT Account

  • If you haven’t already, go to the OpenAI website and sign up for a free ChatGPT account.

  • Verify your email address and log in.

  1. Add context files

  1. Start a new ChatGPT project.

  2. Download the ZIP file from Google Drive: Project Resources Zip File

  3. Unzip the folder; it contains:

    • Excel sheet (a canvas for capturing Believed Values & Defined Norms)

    • Example_csv_output.csv (an example CSV format)

    • Norms Driven Behavior Method - Video Transcript.txt (course transcript)

  4. Upload these files into your ChatGPT project files area so ChatGPT can reference them.

  1. Add the Project Instructions

Copy and paste the following code block into your ChatGPT custom project instructions so ChatGPT fully understands your goals.

Today you are an expert team-building strategist and we are creating a list of Believed Values and Defined Norms for my team. I want you to remember these lists. I want a Believed Value to be stored in this format (Catchy phrase, Description). I want a Defined Norm to be saved in this format (Catchy phrase, Description).

Each Defined Norm we identify is an expression of an underlying Believed Value, and each Believed Value can have one, two or three Defined Norms that (mostly) comprehensively cover that value. The theory behind this method is that there is a causality between each Believed Value and its corresponding Defined Norm(s), which in turn influence the actual behavior of our team members. The Defined Norms are what we have defined as a company to be the desired behavior of the people in our team. We are filling in a canvas for our company in order to have norms and values defined for us as a company. What is important is the causal chain from Believed Value → Defined Norms → Desired Behavior. A starting point for any manager can be describing actual behavior that they want to prevent (bad behavior) or good behavior that they want to see more of, and define a norm around the positive version of the bad behavior or the already present good behavior.

Included in the project are three files - I want you to consider them carefully when answering questions:
File 1 → Excel sheet of the canvas we are filling in
File 2 → Example_csv_output.csv (for generating and copying CSV outputs)
File 3 → Transcript of the corresponding online course about Norms-Driven Behavior and how to create norms that drive a successful, healthy startup culture where the team is a high-performing team.

When I ask you for an output of a CSV, please do it in the following **structure example** (inline in a **code block**). I need it in this format as a single column to easily paste it into Google Sheets:

Lack of clarity around part-time remote team member availability, causing inefficiencies and delays.
The remote team member's unavailability or unclear work hours leads to delays in workflows and difficulty planning collaborative tasks.
Visible Schedule, Visible You
Remote team members working part-time will maintain an up-to-date availability schedule at the beginning of each workweek. This schedule must be accessible to all team members via a shared calendar or tool (e.g., Google Calendar, Slack, or Notion).
Day Kickoff Check-In
Remote team members will provide a daily update at the start of their workday, outlining tasks they will focus on and times they’ll be available for collaboration or meetings.
Backup Continuity Rule
In situations where the remote team member’s schedule changes or they are unavailable during a critical period, they must notify the team in advance and provide an alternative point of contact for critical tasks or ensure thorough documentation for team members to proceed independently.
Clarity Breeds Collaboration
We believe that clear communication about availability and work progress enhances trust, collaboration, and overall team effectiveness, particularly in remote and part-time work scenarios.

Remember to generate the CSV exactly like this, with **each field on a new line**

  1. Provide Project & Company Context

Below is a prompt to give ChatGPT your company details. Replace the placeholders with your own information before sending:

My company is in [industry], and we provide [services]
to [typical customers]. Our team is [team size], 
and our roles include [job titles or roles]

(For example: “My company is in software development, we provide SaaS solutions to SMBs, our team is 12 members including developers, designers, and account managers.”)

5. Access the Google Sheet

Use this Google Sheet to duplicate for your own organization and paste the CSV outputs you generate:

Google Sheet Template:

  1. Open the link.

  2. Go to “File” → “Make a copy…” to create your own copy in Google Drive.

  3. When ChatGPT generates a CSV (in single-column code block format), copy that CSV output from ChatGPT and paste it directly into your new Google Sheet in a single column.

  4. I like to (temporarily) create a bookmark so that I can easily find / access the Google Sheet - you might want to do the same or something similar.

Main Workflow

Below are prompts for two paths: addressing negative behavior or promoting positive behavior.
(Remember, once the CSV is generated and output by ChatGPT, simply copy it in its entirety and paste it into your Google Sheet or Excel file.)

Path 1: Addressing Negative Behavior

Step 1 → Identify the Problem

Why this step matters

This is the foundation of your norms-building process. By describing the negative behavior and its negative consequence, you give ChatGPT enough context to propose norms that target real-world issues your team is facing. Think of this step as laying out the problem clearly, so the norms you create will genuinely address your team’s pain points.

How to Use
  1. Start by describing the specific behavior that’s causing problems within your team (e.g., tardiness, lack of communication, missed deadlines).

  2. Mention the direct negative outcome of that behavior (e.g., scheduling conflicts, project delays, team frustration).

  3. Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of 5 potential norms aimed at addressing the problem.

Prompt 1:
In my team, I have observed [negative behavior]
leading to [negative consequence]

For example your prompt could be:

Example Output

(What ChatGPT might respond with – for illustration only. Your actual output may differ depending on your exact details.)

1. “Respect the Clock”
Description: Everyone is expected to join meetings on time and stay engaged for the duration. This ensures we respect each other’s time and schedules.

2. “Daily Readiness Check”
Description: Each morning, participants will confirm their availability and readiness for scheduled meetings through a quick Slack or email check-in.

3. “Agenda & Scheduling Courtesy”
Description: Meeting organizers will share agendas at least one day in advance and invitees will confirm attendance or propose alternate times if conflicts exist.

4. “5-Minute Grace Rule”
Description: If someone’s running late or dealing with an urgent matter, they notify the meeting host. After five minutes, the meeting proceeds or is rescheduled if key stakeholders are absent.

5. “Late Accountability Follow-Up”
Description: When repeated tardiness occurs, the person arrives 5 minutes early to the next meeting and addresses the team to reaffirm their commitment to timeliness.

  • Clearly defining the negative behavior and negative consequence sets the stage for ChatGPT to propose focused norms.

  • The norms suggested should be reviewed and refined in Step 2.

  • Each norm should directly address the identified problem, be actionable, and align with your team’s culture or Believed Values.

Step 2 → Confirm & Refine Norms

Why this step matters

After ChatGPT suggests norms, it’s critical to determine which ones truly resonate with your team. You’ll select the best norms and refine them to fit your company culture, language, and day-to-day context.

How to Use
  1. Review the 5 suggested norms from Step 1.

  2. Choose which norms feel most appropriate or impactful for your scenario (e.g., pick 2–3 norms).

  3. Ask ChatGPT to refine the language, tone, or specifics of those norms so they’re more precise and aligned with your team’s reality.

Example Prompt

Example Output
  1. “Respect the Clock” → “Time is a Team Asset”
    Refined Description: Every team member commits to punctuality.
    By starting and ending meetings on schedule, we respect each other’s workflows and avoid overlap with other commitments.

  2. “Agenda & Scheduling Courtesy” → “Plan, Confirm, Collaborate”
    Refined Description: All meeting organizers send agendas 24 hours in advance.
    Participants confirm attendance and coordinate any conflicts at least two hours before the meeting.

  3. “Late Accountability Follow-Up” → “Own Your Lateness”
    Refined Description: Chronic lateness triggers a quick post-meeting reflection.
    The late individual identifies root causes (e.g., scheduling overlap, unclear calendar) and suggests solutions to prevent recurrence.

  • Confirm which norms are most relevant.

  • Refine or reword the norms so they reflect your culture.

  • Keep them succinct, actionable, and team-friendly.

Step 3 → Define the Believed Value

Why this step matters

Each set of norms typically shares a common underlying principle or “Believed Value.” Identifying this value makes the norms cohesive and helps the team see the bigger “why” behind them.

How to Use
  1. Look at the refined norms from Step 2.

  2. Ask ChatGPT to find the Believed Value uniting these norms—like accountability, transparency, respect, or innovation.

  3. Review or tweak that value so it resonates with your team’s identity.

Example Prompt
Example Output

Underlying Believed Value: “Collective Respect and Efficiency”

Description: We believe that respecting each other’s time creates an environment of trust, accountability, and focus.

By upholding clear schedules and communication, our team can collaborate more effectively and reduce friction caused by scheduling uncertainties.

  • The Believed Value ties norms together into a coherent cultural principle.

  • Having a catchy phrase and a concise description fosters team-wide understanding.

Step 4 → Generate Output CSV

Why this step matters

This step transforms your final norms and values into a shareable artifact. Having a single-column CSV makes it easy to copy and paste the information into a Google Sheet, Excel, or any other documentation tool. It also provides a consistent format for revisiting and refining norms over time.

How to Use
  1. Confirm that the norms from Steps 2 and 3 (including the Believed Value) are correct and well-refined.

  2. Ask ChatGPT to produce the final output in a single-column CSV format—exactly as specified in your instructions or the example CSV file.

  3. Copy and paste the output from ChatGPT directly into your Google Sheet or Excel file.

Example Prompt

Example Output

Inconsistent meeting attendance and late arrivals


Team members arriving late cause disruptions, delayed agendas, and reduced productivity for everyone.

Time is a Team Asset

All participants commit to arriving on time or giving notice if they’ll be late, respecting everyone's schedule.

Plan, Confirm, Collaborate

Meeting organizers share agendas 24 hours in advance. Attendees confirm or propose changes to ensure mutual availability.

Own Your Lateness

Chronic lateness prompts a review of scheduling or personal workflow issues, with the late individual proposing solutions to improve punctuality.

Collective Respect and Efficiency

We believe that by respecting each other’s time and planning collaboratively, our team fosters trust, reduces frustration, and maintains high productivity.

(Note: The first lines often describe the identified negative behavior and its consequence, followed by each defined norm, and ending with the underlying Believed Value. Adapt this order to your preferences.)

  • Step 4 is your final point in the loop—where you produce a structured, shareable CSV.

  • Make sure every norm you want is included and the Believed Value is clearly stated.

  • Once generated, paste the CSV output into your Google Sheet or Excel file, ensuring it fits your desired format.

  • You can revisit this step any time you add or change norms.

© Copyright 2024 - Stefan Fountain